Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Next New Thing

     The next new media I am thinking about is not "new" in the sense that virtual reality hardware already exists. However, I think the next new application of VR should be interactions between users in an environment where each person has an avatar. Currently the software VR products can run are limited to single-player games, and applications like galleries, movies / tv shows, or documentaries. There is no connection between multiple users that can see each other, or at least a representation of each other. I think VR companies should partner up with social media companies (much like how Facebook acquired Oculus Rift) and work to create a world where VR gear can support business meetings, or allow strangers to enter a virtual reality (in first person view), move around, talk, or play games together. It will be a whole new level of socializing where people from all over the world can "exist" in a reality in the same place. A lot further down the road, they can improve on this technology by linking the virtual reality gear to our nervous system to show our brain images, rather than a picture on a screen. We will perceive the environment to be more real than just having a 3D image close to our eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Kar this is a great idea as virtual reality will be one of the most important revolution in the 21st century. It is would quite interesting to live in way that is not real to us anymore.
