Tuesday, November 15, 2016


     One way to use new media in Baruch that I don't think we have (or at least I'm not aware of) is a social media where Baruch members can post things and chat. One example is a forum with categories for clubs, questions about subjects (homework), hobbies, sports, etc. I feel like there isn't a big social media presence right now, if you can even count Blackboard as a tool for communicating. People don't really get the opportunity to connect with others students outside their circle of friends or classmates. A forum dedicated to Baruch students and faculty (if allowed) to chat, hang out, and help each other will create a pretty awesome community. Clubs can post interest meetings and events on the forum instead of the bulletin boards across campus, which people rarely stop to read. There should also be a help section when students have a problem, so other students who have been in similar situations can suggest solutions. I have better experiences asking for information from my classmates and professors than asking the administrative offices (Financial Aid, Bursars, Registrar) because they are very busy with problems that only they can solve (changing majors, payments, etc). Baruch usually sends out emails for public speakers on certain industries, but with the removal of the mail forwarding feature, I don't know how often people actually check their Baruch email and read the events. A thread on the forum for these events can reach more potential attendees because if they like the forum, they will visit every day to check what's new.

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