Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blog About Twitter

A Twitter discussion is more similar to Blackboard than an in-class discussion because we have the option to take as long as we like to reply to a tweet. I feel more comfortable replying to online discussion because it's more clear what others are trying to say. Usually they include a #(subject) and some context. I can edit my reply as I type to make it clearer before posting, something a lot harder to do in person. However, it is annoying sometimes discussing on Twitter because of the 140 character limit. There are times I want to reply with a lot more words to explain my opinion on the matter.
     Even though BB and Twitter are online, a Twitter discussion is much more easier to share than a Blackboard discussion. I can not share a Blackboard discussion with someone that isn't a student. Twitter is accessed by many more users, anyone, anywhere there is internet. You can tag people and subjects, so anyone interested in the tag can see the tweet, not just classmates. And a BB discussion is less interactive than tweeting. There is no app on my phone to access BB, and someone has to start a thread for people to reply in that thread. Twitter collects all the recent activity on the user's page for everyone to reply to. Twitter is a lot more fast-paced, due to instant alerts. A popular tweet can have thousands replying and re-tweeting, so it can get quite chaotic. You will not be able to respond to them all before more people voice their own opinions.

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